FAQ Listing
Can I use a test strip from another Accu-Chek system in the Accu-Chek Performa blood glucose meter?
No. Accu-Chek Performa blood glucose meters are designed exclusively for use with Accu-Chek Performa test strips.
Are there any differences between the current meter and the ‘no coding’ version of the Accu-Chek Active meter?
The meters are identical. The only difference is that the new meters will have no code chip slot anymore.
How do I change the battery in my Accu-Chek Aviva blood glucose meter?
Make sure you have a new 3-volt, lithium battery, number CR2032, to insert. Open the battery door on the back of the meter, remove the old battery for at least 20 seconds, and press any button on the meter. Insert the new battery with the “+” sign facing out. Snap the battery door back into place. Press the on/off button, and the meter will beep. Setup and hour are flashing on the display. If the date and time are correct, press and hold the on/off button for about 4 seconds. Release the button, and you’re done.
Is it possible to use the new test strip with the old and actual meter?
Yes, it is possible to use the new test strip with all Accu-Chek Active meter generations.
Can I delete stored results?
With the new Accu-Chek Performa blood glucose meters, it is not necessary to delete stored results. Once 500 blood sugar (glucose) results are in the memory, adding a new result causes the oldest one to be deleted.
Is it possible to use the old test strip with the new meter?
Yes, it is possible.
Can I delete stored results?
It is not possible to delete stored results.
Without an automatic strip expiration warning, how can a user avoid testing with an expired strip?
As users currently do with most other types of blood glucose test strips on the market, they can simply check the expiration date clearly printed on their vial of the Accu-Chek Active test strips. After this date, any remaining test strips should be discarded and patients should use a new vial of test strips. This method is simpler than some other competitive strips, which still require the user to calculate and write their expiration date on their vial. Users should never test with expired test strips.
Will my Accu-Chek Active, Accu‑Chek Aviva or Accu‑Chek Performa test strips work with Accu‑Chek Instant S meters?
No, there is no compatibility between the Accu‑Chek Instant S test strips with these and other Accu‑Chek systems
Will the test strip expiry warning exist on the new ‘no coding’ meter?
No. The test strip expiry warning will not exist on the new ‘no coding’ meter because the expiry date was delivered on the code chip. As the new meters will have no code chip anymore the expiry warning information will not be provided.
What happens if I do not apply enough blood on the test strip?
The meter detects if not enough blood has been applied. If the amount of blood you applied is insufficient, after a few seconds an acoustic warning in the form of 3 beeps sounds. You can then apply an additional amount of blood.
Why must the visual color check be realized within 30 to 60 seconds after application?
The Accu-Chek Active meter detects the color change in the test pad area. If the test pad is checked too early, the glucose reaction may not yet be finished. If it is done too late, the color may have already changed due to drying.
What happens if the user does not apply enough blood on the test strip?
As with today’s products, the user will receive an E-4 error code.
Do I lose the memory or the time and date setting when changing the battery?
The stored values will be kept in the meter at all times: they cannot get lost when changing the battery. If the battery change is done according to the user instructions (empty battery stays in the meter until new battery is available to be inserted) the time and date settings remain stored in the meter as well.
Will a low battery cause inaccurate test results?
No, the Accu‑Chek Instant S meters are designed to ensure that the battery power level will not impact results given by the meter.
Why does the meter still say code “333” when it is turned on?
This is a software function which was programmed. It is not possible to change this software function – that’s why the meter still says code 333 when it is turned on.
How is the accuracy when compared with other Accu-Chek meters?
The Accu‑Chek Instant S meters is our latest development in accuracy from a pioneer in blood glucose testing technologies. This is one of the most accurate meters in our portfolio.
Do the old Accu-Chek Active meters still need an activation chip?
Yes, any customers using the previous generation will need to keep the black activation chip in their meter. Once the black activation chip is in the meter, the customers do not need to remove it.
Has anything changed with the test strips?
The new Accu‑Chek Instant S test strip utilizes the FAD-GDH chemistry. This system is the most accurate in the history of our organization. It meets the 10/10 standards for accuracy
Why is there a black code chip instead of the green one? What is its function?
The code chip that comes with the test strips is changing from green to black. The customers receiving this so-called “activation” chip must insert it into their existing meters. There is never the need to change the black activation chip again even if new test strip vials contain different colored code chips or different code numbers.
Does the Accu‑Chek Instant S meter require coding?
No, Accu‑Chek Instant S meters do not require manual coding.
Is it possible to use the orange test strips with the ‘no coding’ meter?
No. The customers should NOT USE orange test strips with the ‘no coding’ meter.
Can I use a test strip from another Accu-Chek system in the Accu-Chek Aviva blood glucose meter?
No. Accu-Chek Aviva blood glucose meters are designed exclusively for use with Accu-Chek Aviva test strips.
How accurate is the meter reading against a lab reading?
The Accu‑Chek Instant S system fulfills the ISO 15197:2013/EN ISO 15197:2015 standards and delivers even tighter 10/10 accuracy for reliable results you can trust.
Can I add a second drop of blood to the test strip after the test has started?
No. There is no ability to squeeze extra blood from the finger to dose a strip a second time. However, there is a slight pause in testing that allows for the patient to take full use of the available blood from their finger.
Does using the black activation chip change anything else about the test strips or the meter?
Only one thing: after inserting the black activation chip, the ‘Accu-Chek Active meter will no longer provide an automatic warning message telling that the test strips has expired.
What type of measurements can be flagged?
When the result is shown, you can use 4 different flags by pressing the M or S button. Options are:
Before meal
Control solution
After meal
Can I touch the test strips?
Yes, a clear protective barrier runs along the entire length of the test strip to protect the strip and chemistry. Blood applied to the opening along the end of the strip can be quickly pulled into the test strip.
What is the “10/10 standard” for the Accu‑Chek Instant S test strip?
10 references an ISO-compliant internal testing protocol. For three different lots of test strips, 95% of BG results must fall within ±10 mg/dL of reference result at glucose concentrations < 100 mg/dL or within ± 10% at glucose concentrations ≥ 100 mg/dL 10/
Why was the enzyme of the strip changed?
The FAD-GDH enzyme is a key component of the system’s new test strip chemistry, which works in conjunction with other system components to deliver advanced accuracy, highly reliable performance and reduced interferences
How much blood does a test strip require?
The Accu‑Chek Instant S test strip requires only a small speck of blood (0.6 μL).
Can someone else fill in my logs for me?
Why not! Your family member/caregiver to fill your logs but make sure they do it regularly
Is it possible to test with different blood sample types?
Yes, it is possible to test with all types of blood (capillary, venous, arterial, and neonatal).
Do the meters have a certificate and evaluation report for ISO 15197:2015?
Yes, the Accu‑Chek Instant S meters comply with the requirements of ISO 15197:2013/EN ISO 15197:2015 (In vitro diagnostic test systems – Requirements for blood glucose monitoring systems for self-testing in managing diabetes mellitus).
Can I apply blood to any part of a test strip? Does it influence test results?
The easy-edge of the Accu‑Chek Instant S test strip has the largest dosing window of any major blood glucose test strip. It can be dosed anywhere along the edge and automatically absorbs the blood from the patient’s finger. Regardless of where dosed along the edge, the system provides a fast, accurate result.
Can I use an expired test strip?
No, check the use by date on the test strip container. Do not use test strips past the use by date.
Where can I find out what an error code or screen message is telling me?
Visit your meter's Screen Messages page for a list of messages and definitions or download the User Manual (insert appropriate link) for your meter.
Will this change effect the accuracy of the measuring results?
No. The use of the black activation chip will have no impact on the accuracy of the blood glucose results.
How long does it take to get a result from the Accu‑Chek Instant S and Accu‑Chek Instant S meters?
The Accu‑Chek Instant S meters have a fast test time of less than four seconds.
Can I use the meters for diagnosis?
No. As seen with almost all products designed for at-home use, the Accu‑Chek Instant S meters do not have a claim for diagnosis.
Can I use an expired test strip?
No, check the use by date on the test strip container. Do not use test strips past the use by date.
Is the time and date or memory lost when the battery is removed?
The meter includes an additional internal battery that retains the time and date for up to 72 hours. So when the battery is changed, no memory is lost.
Does the battery charge if the meter is connected to a USB port?
No, the USB cable does not charge the meter’s batteries. Remove the USB cable after downloading results. In fact, leaving the USB cable connected to the meter and PC after download could draw power from the meter batteries. A blood glucose test cannot be performed while the Accu‑Chek Instant S meter is connected to a PC with a USB cable.
Is this the most accurate system in the market today?
The Accu‑Chek Instant S meter is one of the most accurate systems our organization has ever manufactured and meets ISO 15197:2013/EN ISO 15197:2015 standards for accuracy. It has 10/10 analytical accuracy.
Will my Accu-Chek Active, Accu‑Chek Aviva or Accu‑Chek Performa test strips work with Accu‑Chek Instant meters?
No, there is no compatibility between the Accu‑Chek Instant test strips with these and other Accu‑Chek systems.
Accu‑Chek Instant test strips are compatible with Accu‑Chek Instant S Meter.
Is the USB port of the meter water- or dust-resistant?
No, the USB port for any of the Accu‑Chek Instant S is not water- or dust-resistant.
Why do the Accu‑Chek Instant S meters display an alternating “Err” with the error code?
During our human factors testing, we discovered that there could be some confusion in misinterpreting an error with an actual test result if the meter is held upside down while viewing the display. We implemented this approach to showing error codes so as to eliminate any risk of misinterpretation.
What are the default target ranges?
The IDF Guidelines are used for the High values range and the ADA Guidelines for the Low values range. In range: 70-160 mg/dL, below range: 69-10 mg/dL, above range: 161-600 mg/dL.
What data can my healthcare provider see on the Accu-Chek Connect online portal?
You determine what types of information your healthcare team can access over the portal. We recommend letting your providers see everything you can see, so they can draw insights from all available information. Being able to review your blood glucose test results along with insulin, carb and other information can help provide context around patterns in your blood sugar.
What happens if the user does not apply enough blood on the test strip?
As with today’s products, the user will receive an E-4 error code.